A Girl Scout Service Unit is a specifically defined geographic area designed best to serve the girls and volunteers in the area. The Girl Scout council has a budget to support only a small staff in proportion to the population; the delivery of Girl Scout services relies heavily on volunteers. Troop leaders provide direct services to girls, while service units/teams provide vital support to leaders, girls, and parents through meetings, events, recruitment activities, financial management, etc.
The purpose of a Service Team (ST) is to encourage, support and organize local Girl Scout troops by providing direct support and services to Girl Scout members, including girls, leaders, and volunteers, as well as parents and caregivers. The Service Team engages their local community to encourage the overall mission of the Girl Scouts Arizona Cactus-Pine Council.
The Function of a Service Team (ST): The Service Team helps recruit new girl and adult members as well as engage and retain existing girl and adult members through local SU events and opportunities. Service Teams provide an extra layer of support to local volunteers, allowing Girl Scouts to reach more girls in more ways.
Recruitment Box Drive - If you need the password to the Recruitment Box Drive, email volunteerlearning@girlscoutsaz.org