Become a sponsor for one of our annual events. You’ll be reaching an influential group of women and girls with various levels of recognition that may include logo placement, event recognition, advertising, and co-branded communications.
Badge Bash
Badge Bash, our largest annual fundraiser, is an opportunity for adults to see through the eyes of a Girl Scout. Guests will experience a fun night of building courage, confidence, and character to make the world a better place. Bring your “troop” of friends and test your skills in earning badges and patches. Learn more.
Gold & Silver Awards Celebration
The Gold and Silver Awards Celebration is a well-deserved recognition for the families and recipients of the prestigious Gold and Silver Awards – the highest awards a Girl Scout can earn. Before the award ceremony, there is an opportunity for guests to talk to the girls about their Gold Award projects and view the displays they have created. This event is held annually in the spring.
Bring Home the Cookies 5K
Join Girl Scouts–Arizona Cactus-Pine Council and State Forty-Eight Foundation for the Bring Home the Cookies 5K Run/Walk! We'll be celebrating the spirit of local entrepreneurs and the final week of the Girl Scout Cookie Program at this family-friendly race open to all community members and cookie fans! There are many ways to get involved in addition to running or walking: become a sponsor, create a running team sponsored by your company, host a vendor booth, or volunteer at the event!
Cookies & Cocktails and Trefoils & Ties
Cookies & Cocktails or Trefoils & Ties is an opportunity to share your love and passion for Girl Scouts with friends and close networks. Create a space for dialogue on the power of supporting the tradition of Girl Scouting and the importance of investing in and developing girl leaders in Arizona. You invite friends; we’ll bring the cookies!
Contact our Fund Development team at 602-452-7090 or directly to connect about hosting one today!