When you buy delicious Girl Scout Cookies, you’re helping to power enriching experiences for girls—experiences that broaden their worlds, help them gain essential life skills and entrepreneurial expertise, and prepare them to practice a lifetime of leadership. And guess what—100 percent of the money stays local!
Your cookie purchase not only supports girls’ success but helps them unlock entrepreneurial skills to do amazing things for themselves and their communities.
When you buy a box of Girl Scout Cookies, you are helping support Girl Scouting in Arizona. The proceeds from the sale are used by the Council to support our members and volunteers with training and support and to maintain our camp facilities and programs. Troops use their proceeds for girl activities, community service projects, trips, and programs. Often, troop funds benefit their local community.
All the proceeds from the Cookie Program stay in our local Girl Scout council to support Girl Scouting in Arizona.
The proceeds also:
Girls and their individual troops also earn proceeds for troop activities and community service projects.